Monday, May 18, 2015

These Kids

Can I get serious for a second?   These kids are great! I know I am probably jinxing this trip but I can't get over how great everyone is behaving.

We have walked a lot today. I mean a lot! Not one complaint. We have been complimented by several people that everyone is so well behaved. Everyone is being nice to each other. Wow! You guys have done well!

When our guide, Elizabeth asks for a volunteer to reenact a scene
, several step forward. When we needed a leader for 'My Country Tis of Thee, Bridget raised her hand

And that was a great rendition by by the whole class in front of the Park Street Church.  When we needed an orator for the plaque at Rose Kennedy's birthplace, Dylan knocked it out.

I'm so happy to be along for this trip!

We are heading to the Boston Tea Party Next.  I will let you know how our Stamp Act rebellion goes.


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