Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Science Museum

The energy level at the Science Museum was a little subdued. When we got there we went right to have lunch in the cafeteria for lunch. When we checked in to the museum we split the group into a few groups led by a couple chaperons each. After lunch we led our groups to tour the exhibits. It was the first true 'purpling' that I saw this week. The Archdiocese has coined this term to mean co-ed. Some pink, some blue.  It is nice to see how well these students have come to interact.

The science exhibits were great since they encouraged participation. At one of the human body exhibits a technician was showing how lungs work by inflating a set of real human lungs. Lauren said something like "ew, gross, I don't want to see that". But I found it fascinating. The highlight of the museum visit was the electric show there. We all rounded up at 2 and watched a scientist create lightning and sounds for 15 minutes. Afterward she let several of the students touch the equipment and watch thier hair stand on end. This is Bridget

Nice hair-do!

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