Thursday, May 21, 2015

Quack Quack

The Duck Tour boards right outside the Science Museum so this is the easiest transfer of the trip. We waited a few minutes and boarded a truck/boat. If you haven't seen a Duck Tour vehicle, it is an amphibious vehicle that dates back to World War II. They seat 36 so we could all cram on one. It is the perfect end of the trip. The driver puts a funny spin on all of the information that we have absorbed throughout the trip. The traffic was terrible and our 70 minute trip took an extra 30 minutes. We didn't care except that I think he shortened our time on the Charles River since we were so late.

We left Bridget at the Science museum. We'll really Guy picked her up from the Duck. They are spending a few days visiting family while we come back home.

It's time to head to the airport so I will type to you in mid air!


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