Wednesday, May 20, 2015

About the Bus

A word about our chariot for these days in Boston.  We have been driven around Boston by Steve and his Peter Pan Bus.  For some reason it says 'Fairy Language' by the door.  Steve is a master negotiating the tight turns and narrow streets.

Inside the bus the negotiating is different.  People have set the seats and I haven't seen much change.  The chaperones have evenly dispursed throughout the bus.  I have taken the last row to oversee the troops. Megan and Charlotte sit right in front of me. I think that I have been featured in many of their selfies as I photobomb as many of the shots as I can.

We took pledge the first day that when Elizabeth speaks, no one else speaks.  As soon as the microphone goes on pretty much everyone listens. Although I have seen a few more earphones sneak on when she keys up the mike. ""

We have a lot of miles to tomorrow so I better hit the rack!

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