Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Lexington Green

We traveled to Lexington as Paul Revere did. We ate lunch in town at various shops and reconvened on the green. Elizabeth reminded us about the story of Paul Revere's ride to warn Sam Adams and John Hancock of the approach of the Regulars to destroy ammunition that the colonists had amassed. Once the 700 Regulars reached Lexington  they faced 77 colonist. It was at this field where the 'shot was heard around the world'

We re-enacted the scene. Moira was Paul Revere, several of us were Regulars.  Melody and Tiffany led the charge!   A few more of us were colonists. It was brutal. 8 of the colonists died!

After we revived the colonists we posed for a group picture in front of one of the memorials.

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