Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Fire and Nice

Fire & Ice is a restaurant that is designed as an interactive experience for the diner.  It is the perfect solution.for feeding 23 hungry 8th graders and a group of chaperones.  As soon you are seated you take your bowl to the 'market' fill it with whatever raw ingredients they have that you like, add a sauce and take it to the grill where a cook finishes it off while you watch.  The you sit and eat.  No time to shoot straw wrappers or spike someone's drink with Sweet & Low.  Just get your food and eat...genious!

The only extra time spent was that we rounded up Chris to stand with the grill chefs where the whole restaurant could sing him happy birthday!  It was a birthday he will remember!

We had to hustle out to make our show with the Blue Man Group!

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