Thursday, May 21, 2015

Flight 319

So as Flight 319 rises into the sky and St. Mary's Class or 2015 leaves Boston behind we take with us a whole new set of memories that we will have to treasure. We enjoyed our last New England meal at the terminal. Crowded around the electronics charging station we nibbled on pizza and sandwiches. As with any other stop we padded the registers at Starbucks for a final Frapaccino and boarded the plane. At the Southwest cattle call we were assigned the last set of seating numbers. The majority of us are in the last 3 rows of the plane and the remainder of us are in middle seats dispersed around the jet.

Although I am writing this in the air I will not post it until we hit the ground. But I wanted you all to know what a privilege it has been to come along on this trip. I know that in several places in this blog I have referred to your children as kids. After spending this time with them I now know that they are really young men and women. You have all done an excellent job raising them and it showed as we left our mark on Boston.
I hope you have enjoyed my writing and have felt that you got to enjoy a slice of this trip for yourselves! It has been my pleasure to bring it to you.


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