Monday, May 18, 2015

The Boston Tea Party

I have been to tons of historical exhibits but I can't remember one I enjoyed as much as this Boston Tea Party exhibit.  Sam Adams gave us a rousing speech declaring the the Tea Act a travesty and that as members of the Sons of Liberty we need to act treasonous (we were all given parts to play but Emmet was the only speaking part...he nailed it!).

At that we were ushered onto a ship moored in Griffin's Bay and we actually threw bushels of tea into the harbor.  Coley definitely was ready for his act of treason!

After that we were shown a couple of multimedia exhibits that were very informative and entertaining.  The exhibit finishes with a visit to a tea shop where you can sample the teas of that period.

The kids were laughing and participating so I think they liked it too!  It is a relatively new exhibit and it really is innovative with the multimedia and displays.

We are back to the Quincy Market for a little shopping before dinner at the Warren Tavern.  The bus is too big to get us up to Charlestown where our restaurant is, so Steve, our driver, is dropping us close and we will hoof it in.  Last bit of walking for the day!  Yay!!!

After dinner it's on to the hotel and we get to hear themuchanticipatrd room assignments.  We shall see how that works out.

I apologize for jamming these post here at the end of the day.  I was having a few technical issues when I was out today.

Touch base in the morning.


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