Tuesday, May 19, 2015

First Night is in the Books

So we made it over to Warren's Tavern and had a great dinner. The staff was prepared and it was quite uneventful.   Us chaperones even had our own end of the table and enjoyed some adult conversation (without the adult beverages!). Scott Thompson, Matt Hudren, Mr. Curley, Fr. Chip and Mrs. Eisel have been leading the troop so far.  Now we turn the reins over to Russ Hammill.  He joined us as reinforcement at dinner last night.

There was only a little drama at the hotel last night when the room assignments were revealed.  In the end it is just a bed, or part of, and a shower.  The lobby is open for the kids until 10 and breakfast is down there first thing in the morning.  I visited each room, reviewed the room policies and joined the adults in the lobby.  When I revisited the rooms I noticed that the girls are much better at sharing the sleeping furniture.   Unfortunately I think a couple of the boys might have slept in a bath tub last night.

We head out to the Plimouth Plantation (that's how they spell it) and end the day with Blue Man Group.  Could there be a wider spread of learning/entertainment in one day.  It will great to see how far American civilization has come in such a short time!

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