Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Adams Family

No we are not staying at the hotel watching 70's tv.  I'm not talking about Morticia, this morning was all about John, Abigail and John Quincy Adams.  We started at the birthplace of John and John Quincy in Quincy.  We were split in two groups to tour the houses.  As has been the custom, the boys were one group and the girls the other. With one exception, Drew joined Mr. Curley and me with the girls.  Mad props to Drew!

After the birthplace tour we rode the bus to Peacefeilds, the Adams' retirement estate.  We toured the gardens and the library. Apparently John Quincy Adams was quite an over-acheiver.  He spoke several languages, received a law degree from Harvard and served as an ambassador in Europe when he was 14.  Sorry if your child now feels like he or she has some catching up to do.

We are heading to Plimouth Plantation now.  I will let you know what we see there.


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