Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Back in Town

Our trip back to downtown gave us a chance to dry off in the bus.  The only real casualty from the rain waqs Moira's shoes.  Fortunately the general store across from the Plymouth Rock had a beautiful pair of purple rhinestone bedazzled flip flops to hold her over.  She will have them as a momento forever.

Once we got back in town we hit Copley Square. Most of went in to use the Copley Square Hotel bathrooms.  Our most luxurious facilities so far! The real highlight of the hotel was the resident hotel dog Catie.  Apparently the hotel is pet friendly and Catie is the ambassador.  The kids enjoyed the time petting Catie while we were regaled with stories from the head bellman about Paul Newman and Taylor Swift enjoying the dog's company when they visited.

We walked over to to the Boston Common Gardens to see the "make way for ducklings" sculpture. Then we had a chance to.visit the Cheers bar.  I think our tour guide just wants to tease all.of us chaperones at any chance she can.  We are walking over to our dinner reservations Fire and Ice now.

I will let you know if it is good!

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