Monday, May 18, 2015

Further Along the Freedom Trail

After our exciting reenactment of the Boston Massacre everyone was getting hungry. Thanks to good planning we ended up being right across from Quincy Market where there are plenty of choices and even some authentic New England fare. Charlie and a few others ate clam chowda in a bread bowl and everyone else found burgers, salads and sandwiches. It was perfect timing as many stomachs were grumbling since we hadn't eaten since our early departure from BWI.

From the Quincy Market we walked for a while til we fulfilled our pre-Mass fasting requirement.   Fr. Chip helped say Mass at Sacred Heart so we enjoyed Mass and chance to remember what this is all about.

After Mass Elizabeth guided us to the pastry shops where we could grab a treat and take it with us to the Paul Revere park.

The old tradition of reciting the Longfellow poem has expired but that doesn't mean that we didn't learn about old Mr. Revere. I can tell that as we sit outside the Old North Church were are about to get really deep into the Paul Revere story.    We have seen where he lived and where he is buried but now we get to hear about what he did!

I will tell you how it goes...

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